Monday, June 12, 2017

Our Vacation at Fort Bragg

Every year at this time we go to Fort Bragg as a family to relax and have some fun together.  It was going to be my grandparents and my family for three days at the beach (my aunt and her three kids would be coming on the second day). So we made it there, got all settled in, and went on a walk. The next day we went on a ten mile bike ride, went to the beach and did nothing pretty much the whole day ( I did get in the water for about an hour but was cold the rest of the day after that).

Doesn't Dobbie look cute?

This was a small hike we took the day we arrived.

Wednesday we all biked down to a coffee shop and enjoyed some hot coco. My aunt showed up at about nine and she took all of us kids on a bike ride, down to the beach (to boogie board), on a hike, and out to Casper to scout out a trail we would bike on Thursday. We all went back to the place we were staying and had some dinner.

Thursday was Clara's birthday. After a walk down town we had some cookies for breakfast. We went on two bike rides that day and a hike. After a yummy lunch at Round Table, we went miniature golfing and then off to the beach to boogie board some more. We relaxed that night (with my grandparents, aunt and cousins) by watching a Dog's Purpose and eating Cowlick ice cream. I slept good that night.

The next morning we got up early, packed, and cleaned. When we were packing we noticed that one of our bikes were stolen. (We watched every person on a bike carefully.) On the way home I was able to ride with my Aunt and cousins. We stopped for a short bike ride, and stopped again in Lakeport where my mom use to live when she was a little girl. We finally arrived home. It's so good to be home even though we had a blast a the coast.



So, at the beginning of this year I decided that I was going to start breeding dogs for a little extra money. I started looking at the different breeds of dogs, trying to chose one that would make money and sell. I settled on yellow Labs. 

Our friend's AKC lab had just had puppies; there was only one girl out of eight puppies.  Right now they are two weeks old and I can hardly wait six more weeks so I can take the girl home! 
I've already named her Bailey.
Bailey at two weeks old. (Her eyes aren't even open yet.)

She still looks like a gopher!
Isn't she cute?

{Lily Rose}

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Welcome to Write from the Country (from the other writer)


I can't wait for the coast this June, family camp in July, father/daughter and a new lab puppy in August! 

We are excited to share with you some of our recipes, pictures, crafting ideas, fun memories and more. We hope you enjoy this blog!

Lily Rose :)

Our Vacation at Fort Bragg Every year at this time we go to Fort Bragg as a family to relax and have some fun together.  It was g...